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Top WordPress Caching Plugins

4 MINUTE READ, POSTED ON May 31st, 2021

Caching plugins help optimize your WordPress Website by eliminating and disabling different useless options and features or by boosting the site.


First, we need to understand what cache is and how it works.

For quick access upon request within computers, the cache is stored as temporary data to process and present the information one has requested from the hard disk. Cache allows the file to be loaded quickly, thus saving a lot of time.

The same concept can be used in WordPress. When users visit your website in bulk, the cache will help keep up with Optimism to load the website without delay—helping in a user-friendly experience.

It helps save a lot of screen time and skip many steps that otherwise will cause delay and bad reviews.

Here are the five best well known WordPress caching plugins.

WP Rocket.

This is one of the easy plugins available in the market for beginners that can be used to optimize your website.

It allows the users to cache the site, building up cache from WordPress for better Optimism. It automatically suggests features like page caching and preloading cache.

Couple of other features such as Lazy loading images and minification, Etc.

WP Super Caching

This best-rated and highly recommended caching plugin is known till now.  This caching plugin is the best beginner-friendly plugin.

It comes compact with the advanced setting that allows you to access advance caching WordPress tools such as; page cache, CDN support, and advanced cache preloading. With additional features of separate tabs for setting up.

WP Super Caching is free for use.

W3 Total Cache

 W3 Total Cache is the most popular professional caching plugin that is also free, packing up with many better-developing features for professionals and developers.\Beginners may find the website a bit complex due to its developer features. This one is great for the ones who are experienced developers. It gives access to many professional features such as; object caching, database caching and CDN support, etc.

Sucuri Firewall

Sucuri Firewall is the best firewall and security plugin for WordPress. It consists of a built-in option for caching.

It provides a DNS level firewall that is one of its essential and prominent features. Using this feature allows the website to present the pages to the client before the request reaches the primary server, saving time and optimizing the website through a great deal.

Builtin Cache plugin

Many companies offer a built-in caching plugin that optimizes the website more precisely. A few of such builtin cache plugins are:

SG SuperCacher

SiteGround offers this caching plugin for all the hosting plans one can have.
It can optimize the website up to 500%.  With additional features, it can do better compression, optimizing sites up to 20 faster than usual.  It reduces the need for any other caching plugin

Bluehost Caching

Yet another company, Bluehost provides the built-in caching plugin that is accessible through the dashboard on the hosting. It also optimizes the website much better and reduces the need for dedicated plugin caching.

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